Giving Back

We strongly believe in supporting our communities, with charitable contributions of both our time and our profits to many local and international causes.

A bunch of logos on a white background including one for the rotary club

Our Mission to Savegre

Costa Rica, March 2015

A group of us from MVO were privileged to travel to Costa Rica in March of 2015 to donate our services in a remote part of the country without access to eye care. We held a bottle drive to raise funds and the story was covered in a variety of local media including radio, newspaper and CBC TV.


Free Eye Exams Performed


Free Pairs of Glasses Delivered

Read our individual accounts of this great experience.

By Dr. Wilk March 31, 2015
This had been my first volunteer trip and I could not have asked for more. The Lions Club had such a huge part in our trip and it was a great one!
By Dr. Wilk March 31, 2015
The thing I will remember most about our trip to Costa Rica is the people. The scenery was beautiful, yes, but we went there to help people see better and improve their quality of life.
By Dr. Wilk March 30, 2015
As someone who has participated in two previous volunteer experiences abroad, I originally thought that I had a pretty good idea of what to expect from our project in Costa Rica.
By Dr. Wilk March 30, 2015
Our March eye care mission supported by CVC proved to be a success in every sense of the word. Admittedly leading a group into the wilds of Costa Rica to conduct eye exams on a couple hundred patients, where we don’t know the language, have no idea where we’re going (and can’t even get cell phone service) requires a certain amount of blind faith in your support crew. Well, they did not disappoint in the least.
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