BlephEx Treatment

Jun 07, 2016

Do your eyes constantly feel scratchy, red, crusty or teary, no matter how often you use lubricating tear drops? These are all common symptoms of eyelid inflammation, a condition known as blepharitis.

Blepharitis is caused by overgrowth of bacterial biofilm on our eyelids. We all have normal bacteria on our skin, but we keep them under control with daily washing. If the bacteria multiply and create biofilms, they can release toxins that cause irritation and damage to our tissues. For example, another common biofilm we’re all familiar with is the dental plaque in our mouth that leads to gum disease and tooth decay. Just like we brush, floss, and see our dentist routinely to disrupt this biofilm, similar care is required for our eyelids.

Daily eyelid cleaning with a specially formulated eyelid cleanser is an important component in controlling the biofilm that causes blepharitis. Daily hot compresses also help to open up the oil-producing glands in our eyelids that lubricate our eyes. In addition, we also know that blepharitis and dry eye symptoms are alleviated with supplemental Omega 3 intake in our diet.

However, even with diligent home therapy, blepharitis can be difficult to control. Fortunately, at Mountain View Optometry, we now have a powerful new procedure to help us battle chronic eyelid inflammation. This procedure is called BlephEx® , and it is only available in-office.

BlephEx® uses a painless rotating micro-sponge to precisely exfoliate the edge of the eyelids and lashes, removing the biofilm debris. Most patients simply report a tickling sensation while it is performed. BlephEx® is repeated routinely every 4-6 months to keep chronic blepharitis under control.

The photos below demonstrate blepharitis before and after BlephEx treatment in one of our own staff members. To learn more about this revolutionary procedure, you can visit and of course feel free to come in for consult with one of our doctors to see if this new procedure might be right for you!

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