Oct 15, 2013

We used to reassure parents of teenagers that too much TV is unlikely to “ruin their eyes”, however, new research is showing we may need to re-think that advice.

Blue light, also known as “High-Energy Visible” light (HEV) is emitted from electronic devices such as TVs, computers, video games and smart phones.  It’s also found in artificial light sources like LED lights.  It tends to penetrate the eye to a greater degree than natural light sources, and studies show it may contribute to diseases of the retina such as Macular degeneration after chronic exposure.

HEV light is partially responsible for “Computer Vision Syndrome” a newly defined condition which causes eyestrain, fatigue and headache in frequent computer users.  It also has been linked to sleep disorders.

To reduce the risk and symptoms associated with blue light exposure, we offer a specialized lens coating for our patients who are heavy users of digital devices.  The Nikon SeeCoat Blue is an anti-glare, anti-scratch clear coating that filters a significant portion of blue light.  It is not a tint and the lenses appear perfectly clear, while the blue-blocking effect of the coating enhance contrast and reduce fatigue.  We recommend this coating to all computer users, and are now starting to recommend it for kids as well.  Our young patients are especially vulnerable due to the fact that they have potentially many more years of blue light exposure than adults due to the prevalence of computer-related digital devices and of course video games.

Be sure and talk to our doctors during your next visit about your use of digital devices, and we will be sure to recommend the treatment that’s best for you.

–        Dr. Wilk

Source:  Envision, July/Aug. 2013:  Seeing Beyond “Meeting the Blue Light Challenge”

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