May 18, 2023

Concerns about “blue light” have risen with the amount of exposure to electronic screens – computers, phones, and tablets. “Blue light” is a type of light emitted by digital devices but is also produced by sunlight. It’s close to UV (ultraviolet) in wavelength, which is known to cause harmful effects like cataracts and macular degeneration.

The research on the harmful effects of blue light on the eyes is inconclusive. We do know that blue light exposure can disrupt circadian rhythms and affect sleep cycles. We also know that certain people are more bothered by the glare produced by electronic devices, and can suffer from headaches, eyestrain, and blurry vision after prolonged exposure.

Here are some tips to help deal with the effects of blue light exposure:

  • Make use of the settings on some digital devices that switches the displays to a warmer light mode (Night Shift on iPhone, or Blue Light filter on Android)
  • Stop using digital devices about an hour before bedtime
  • Add a “Blue Light filter” to your eyeglasses

Speak to one of our optical experts at your next visit about the different options for incorporating blue light protection in your eyeglasses.

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