Dec 17, 2019

You’ve just come in from shoveling snow (again) and you notice that your glasses lenses are misting over.  This is a familiar experience during winter in Canada.  Beyond just the nuisance factor, foggy glasses can be a safety hazard, temporarily blurring your vision and increasing the risk of a fall or collision with an unseen object.

Here’s what you can do to prevent foggy glasses:

  1. Use anti-fog spray or wipes
    These can work well also – they are applied to the lens surfaces just before the activity that causes the fogging
  2. Wear contact lenses
    If you are going to be going from outdoors to indoors rapidly, switch your glasses for contact lenses to avoid the blurring caused by foggy glass lenses
  3. Avoid overheating
    Dress warmly but not too warm.  Overheating and sweating raises body temperature which increases lens fogging
  4. Manage abrupt temperature changes
    Sudden exposure to large temperature swings increases lens fogging, so if possible try and gradually adjust the temperature you are exposed to.  You can also temporarily remove your glasses while they de-fog (as long as your prescription isn’t too strong).
  5. Move your glasses further away from your eyes
    Heat gets trapped in between your glasses and your face, so moving your glasses further away will help reduce mist buildup.
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