New toys under the Christmas tree are exciting for both kids and parents, but pay close attention to the risk of eye injury any toy may pose.
Statistics suggest there are about 25,000 toy-related eye injuries each year in Canada. About one-third of these injuries are suffered by children under the age of five.
Here are four categories of toys to avoid this Christmas to reduce the chance of eye injury (especially for very young children).
Check out the latest list from W.A.T.C.H. (World Against Toys Causing Harm) for the Top Ten Worst Toys of 2019 here.
Don’t always trust the labels on kid’s toys, or the fact that they are on sale, to make the determination that a toy is safe for your child. Use common sense, and definitely consider the nature of the child you are buying for, as well as the age and maturity of the kids they will be playing with (they will likely be using the toy as well)!