Jan 11, 2018

Parents of children of all ages often ask this question of our doctors.  While there hasn’t been much evidence that vision deterioration can occur from staring at screens, there is growing concern about the light emitted and its potential risks.  Blue Light exposure has been demonstrated to cause damage to the cells of the retina over time and may contribute to eye disease later in life.  In addition Blue light has been shown to interfere with sleep cycles for those who use electronic screens close to bedtime.

While effects on vision should certainly be considered when discussing screen time for children, there are other good reasons outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Here are their guidelines for daily screen time for children (defined as the use of digital media for entertainment, not schoolwork):

Infants 18 months and younger:

No screen time

Children age 2 to 5 years:

One hour per day

Children 6 years and older:

Limit screen time (do not replace schoolwork, physical and social activities and sleep)

You can read the full article here

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