Apr 11, 2019

If your child is myopic, he or she will have more problems seeing objects at a distance than up close.  Myopia can be very unstable in a child, if diagnosed at a young age.   Many children have rapidly increasing prescriptions, causing them to become even more dependent on their glasses over time.

There are new, research-proven treatments we can now offer at MVO to help decrease the rate at which your child’s glasses prescription increases.  The higher the myopia, the higher the risks for certain sight-threatening diseases.  In many cases these treatments can reduce the progression of myopia by up to 50%!

Why limit the progression of myopia?  In addition to increased dependence on glasses, the risk for certain types of eye diseases increases with higher levels of myopia.  Here are a few examples of eye diseases that are more frequently seen in people with high myopia:

  • Retinal detachment
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Myopic macular degeneration

The earlier we treat myopia, the better chance we have of controlling the progression, and limiting the risk of having vision loss from eye disease.

At your child’s full eye exam, our doctors may advise you to bring your child back for a Myopia Control consultation.  They may recommend this if they feel the child is at risk for developing myopia, or, if they already have myopia, to assess the risk for rapid progression.

To learn more about these exciting new therapeutic options, two of our doctors are hosting a Myopia Control seminar on May 14, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:00PM at the Royal Canadian Legion (Cochrane). 

Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 403-851-2020 to hold your spot!

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