When you are about to go in to see your optometrist for your next eye exam, what test causes you the most anxiety? No, not the “air puff” test (though that’s no crowd pleaser either). For most people, it’s “which is better, one or two?”. During this test your doctor will ask you a series of questions in rapid succession about “which lens appears clearer – 1, or 2? 3, or 4? 5, or 6?”. Don’t get it wrong, or it may affect how clearly you see the world with your new glasses for the next 1-2 years until your next exam!
No pressure at all!
This test, called the subjective refraction , has long been relied upon by your doctor to help refine and adjust your eyeglass and contact lens prescription for the best visual outcome. The trouble is, apart from the test anxiety it induces, there are fundamental flaws with this method of testing that limit its usefulness in determining your best eyewear prescription. The result? Glasses or contact lenses that just simply are not as good as they could be.
Here’s a summary of the problems with the “old way” of testing your vision:
As you’ve guessed by now, there’s a better way. Mountain View Optometry is the first practice in Southern Alberta to incorporate the Zeiss iScription Wavefront technology in all adult eye exams.
This is a game changer in primary eye care. Watch this Zeiss i.Scription video to learn more then book an appointment to experience it for yourself!
-Dr. W