Oct 19, 2017

A quick quiz:  how many proteins exist in the thin film of tears that coats our eyes?

  1. 2-3
  2. 5-10
  3. 20-30
  4. Over 500

The answer:  d) over 500 unique proteins exist in our tear film!  We are just beginning to understand the complex nature of our eye’s tear film, which serves several incredibly important functions:

  • Vision – without a properly functioning tear film, light cannot enter the cornea properly resulting in blurred vision. This is why people who suffer from dry eyes will often say that their eyes are blurry.
  • Moisture – the lubricating effect of our tears protects the cells at the front of the cornea from damage. When damage does occur, a healthy tear film will rapidly heal the affected area.  Dry eye sufferers will sometimes show chronic damage to their corneas because their unhealthy tear film cannot repair the cells fast enough.
  • Immune – there are infection-fighting cells floating around in your tear film. People with dry eyes will frequently have eye infections that just won’t go away.
  • Oxygen – the cornea has no blood vessels and must receive its oxygen directly from the air around us. Contact lens wearers with dry eyes will have a very thin tear film making it more difficult for their corneas to get oxygen.  This can result in many kinds of problems from red eyes and infections and even corneal ulcers.

Our comprehensive Dry Eye Disease treatment strategy involves a careful assessment of your eye’s tear film as well as treatment geared towards improving its overall health.

Contact us for an appointment if you suffer from red, irritated or dry eyes to see if your tear film needs some help.

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